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2. Can Technology Growth Be Planned?

Tech that grows on its own can get complicated and tough to handle and might stop your business from growing. Starting with a basic plan that you can change and make better over time helps everything work together smoothly and can make sure that your tech grows with your business, not against it.
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2. Can Technology Growth Be Planned?

Most of the technology within businesses evolves organically. They often end up with a mix of technologies like software, cloud platforms, and networks because they add new tech as they need it. This usually happens fast because they're trying to meet immediate needs, keep up with tech changes, or work within their budgets. As a result, their tech landscape can get complicated and not work as well as it could because there wasn't a game plan guiding everything from the beginning.

When tech grows this way without a clear plan, several problems can come up:

  1. Adding new tech without a plan can make the whole system more complicated. This makes it hard for people to understand and make changes.
  2. Quick fixes might seem easier now but can lead to more work later. This extra work makes it increasingly harder to improve the system.
  3. Without planning for growth, it can be tough to handle more work or expand the system.
  4. It's harder to maintain and update tech when you don't have a clear plan. This can lead to mistakes and problems.
  5. Bringing in new technology is harder if your system isn't set up to change easily.
  6. Without a good plan, your tech might not work as efficiently, leading to slow performance.

If most technology landscapes evolve organically, how can we be sure that it will evolve in the direction we want it to?

To make sure your tech grows in a way that helps your business now and later, you have to:

  • Be clear about what you want your business to achieve and how tech can help you get there. This makes sure every tech decision supports these goals.
  • Set up rules for how tech decisions are made. This helps keep your tech growth in line with what your business needs.
  • Clean up and organize what you already have, making everything work together better, and gradually fixing quick fixes from the past.
  • Keep an eye on your tech setup to make sure it's doing what you need it to do. If not make the right investments to improve it.
  • As you add new tech, make sure it works well with what you already have. This keeps things running smoothly.
  • Make your tech setup flexible so it can change and grow with your business without problems.
  • Keep an eye on new tech trends. This can help you adjust your tech without falling behind.
  • Let your teams try out new tech that could be good for your business, but make sure these new ideas fit with your main goals.
  • Help your team learn about new tech so they can use it well and understand how it helps your business.

Not having a solid foundation can make it hard to keep up, grow, and improve your tech later on. The best approach is usually a mix: start with a basic plan that you can change and add to as you go. This way, you can keep improving and adapting while making sure everything still works well together.

Growth requires wisely integrating technology into your business for now and later.

What to Read Next

3. Architecture: Using Tech as Part of a Bigger Plan

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