We Help Clients Grow with
Fewer, More Capable Systems.

Technology helps you succeed, but too much can slow you down. We assist our clients to grow by eliminating unnecessary systems, upgrading outdated technology, and focusing on their most capable systems to enhance efficiency and drive innovation.

Have you been down this road?

Organizations want to work smarter, manage risks, grow, and innovate. Achieving this requires changing and sometimes even rethinking how they use technology and operate their businesses.
However, organizations often face unique and tough challenges due to their history, culture, and the way things are currently set up. These challenges need specific solutions – different ways of solving problems that dive deep into the causes to create precise fixes.

Vasa Digital Architects offers a distinctive approach, one that uses Enterprise Architecture to tackle these tough problems thoroughly. We pay attention to the details that generic approaches miss and look at the big picture when we create solutions.

How we architect growth.

Build an Architecture Foundation
Phase 2
We find the right problems to solve
see details
We work closely with our clients, taking the time to understand their goals and unique challenges before getting technology involved.

We focus on the most pressing and solvable issues.

We help our clients solve the right problems, and the whole problem, not just parts of it.
The Architecture Foundation service aims to bring structured architectural planning to technology environments that have naturally evolved over time. Our approach includes establishing a foundation by, equipping teams with the necessary architecture tools and training, and compiling a comprehensive inventory of the existing tech ecosystem. We develop a Business Capability Model to illustrate how the business works and what tech they currently depend on. Additionally, we craft a forward-thinking Blueprint that outlines how a well-designed technology architecture can boost business efficiency and achieve objectives.
Adapt the Architecture to Reduce Risk and be more Efficient
Static digital architectures are a thing of the past. Our Architecture Adaptation service is about keeping our clients’ digital environments fresh and aligned with changing business needs and tech advancements. We cut out what they don't need, help them move to the cloud, up their security game, and make sure everything runs more smoothly and cost-effectively. It's about equipping our clients to quickly adjust and take on new opportunities without missing a beat.
Phase 2
We find good solutions, before tech-enabling
see details
We develop effective solutions to help improve operations, customer experience, products and services.

Good solutions are systems that don’t rely on, or wait for people to change.

Instead, they work by changing the environment around them to promote good digital habits.
Evolve the Architecture for the Future
Our Architecture Evolution service is about getting ahead of changes instead of reacting to them. We dive into best practices and tech trends to make sure our clients are ready for what's next. From using their data smarter to devising new digital ways of working, we help them stay ahead. We ensure their digital world supports their growth now, and in the future. This way, they are not just keeping up; they are leading through transformation.
Phase 3
We plan, and execute with Skilled Teams
see details
Predictability is essential to our clients. This is why we are committed to executing all initiatives with reliable estimates of both time and cost.

We value careful planning and rely on iterative development with highly skilled teams.

We help clients invest wisely by doing cost-benefit analyses.

Our Architecture Services.

We offer a range of services in each of these areas.

Our clients see the results.

“Vasa Digital has been critical to the success of our Salesforce-centric transformation at the CSA Group. Deciphered the company’s goals and quickly identified the architectural changes to attain those outcomes.
Farukh Javed
EVP & CTO • CSA Group
As a business owner for over 20 years and a founder, I can honestly say it made all the difference. It will make a major difference in your enterprise, whether you are a startup, a business that has identified issues, or a large organization that is looking to rectify inefficiencies”.
Costas Constantinou
CEO • Lov.cash
"Instrumental partner, helping us to develop our digital technology program. Integral in evaluating and selecting the right technologies, setting architecture direction and implementing several transformation initiatives. Unique mix of seasoned executive business acumen and knowledge of digital trends. Invaluable in communicating in a way all understand."
Brent Fisher
Head of Digital • Shawcor

Here’s what we do

And our clients see the results

“Vasa Digital has been critical to the success of our Salesforce-centric transformation at the CSA Group. Deciphered the company’s goals and quickly identified the architectural changes to attain those outcomes.
Farukh Javed
EVP & CTO • CSA Group
As a business owner for over 20 years and a founder, I can honestly say it made all the difference. It will make a major difference in your enterprise, whether you are a startup, a business that has identified issues, or a large organization that is looking to rectify inefficiencies”.
Costas Constantinou
CEO • Lov.cash
"Instrumental partner, helping us to develop our digital technology program. Integral in evaluating and selecting the right technologies, setting architecture direction and implementing several transformation initiatives. Unique mix of seasoned executive business acumen and knowledge of digital trends. Invaluable in communicating in a way all understand."
Brent Fisher
Head of Digital • Shawcor

We work in multiple industries.

Industrial Tech

  • We helped digitize the core business, launch new information products, migrate aging tech to cloud apps, and, benefit from emerging technologies.
  • Sped up the deployment of solutions by setting up low code, cloud-first application development & Integration platforms.


  • We increased the speed of deploying new applications by adopting low-code cloud / SaaS solutions and integration platforms.
  • Improved how buying and sustainability information is managed
  • We increased the speed of deploying new business applications by adopting low-code cloud / SaaS solutions and integration platforms


  • We architected and implement blockchain-based payments to help businesses and consumers in developing economies use their smartphones to digitally send money, pay for goods, receive payments, and get cashback rewards.


  • Stood up CRM, Information Sharing & Integration, Portals, Document Management, Cloud Hosting, Network & Security
  • We devised a lean, cloud-first, low-code architecture


  • Established business capability and process models
  • We set up Application Portfolio Management and identified ways to reduce IT spend simplify business processes and operational processing times.
  • Defined corporate-wide strategies and roadmaps to consolidate multiple portals.
  • Helped transition interfaces from the legacy Core Banking system to our client’s new core banking replacement.


  • We helped appraise and quantify the risk & adequacy of the IT applications and infrastructure
  • Appraised the risk and adequacy using our assessment and scoring frameworks
  • Recommended solutions and developed the roadmap on how best to address issues


  • Helped modernize legacy loyalty management systems, integration interfaces, data, reporting, and analytics.


  • Helped replace our client’s legacy Health Information System with a modern platform that included patient admission, billing, EMR, GRN & Stock

Companies that trust us with their most challenging projects.

We work with these partners.

Get in touch.

Embarking on setting up your foundational architecture or looking to adapt and evolve your IT/Technology?

Let’s talk.